No: Sec.05 / ISOCID / Sep / 2005
Re: management off
To: Association of Internet Service Provider Indonesia (APJII)
Atnn. Mr Sammy Pangerapan, APJII supervisor
- Minister of Telecommunication and Informatics, Republic of Indonesia
- Secretary General of Department of Telecommunication and Informatics,
Republic of Indonesia
- Expert staff on International Relations and Digital Divide
- Chairman of Trustee, Internet Society International
- CEO of Internet Society International
- Vice President for chapters of Internet Society International
- Vice Chairman of Internet Society Indonesian Chapter
- Manager of ccTLD .id
- ccTLD .id mailing list
- ISOCID mailing list

Dear Mr Sammy Pangerapan,

First of all, let me introduce myself as Irwan Effendi, elected secretary of
Internet Society Indonesian Chapter, registered in Internet Society
International as member number 1347822.
Internet Society Indonesian Chapter is a chartered branch of Internet
Society International, while Internet Society International is the home
organization for Internet Engineering Task Force and other working groups on
the internet.

Next, I would like to state that this is an Official Inquiry, not an
Official Statement of Position, therefore the idea is to obtain as much
information as to determine whether we will need to take a position, and
what would that position be, if it should come to that.


We have been partially informed that there has been a move made by APJII to
create a new organization to take over the management of root server for
ccTLD .id . While the former chairman of ISOCID has stated his support to
this move, we are still unclear about how actually this will happen.
For ISOCID, the most important keywords in any changes that will affect many
users of the internet is "justified need" and "ensured stability of
service". We would like to quote our founding father, Vinton G. Cerf, who
once said "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" . Although this is not meant
that we should not change anything that is already work, it does mean that
any changes must be need oriented, justified with clear reasons, explained
in technical details, and performed carefully as to avoid breaking something
that already works in the first place.

The concern

We have received information that the plan to set up the new organization is
driven by arguments over financial matters between APJII and Budi Rahardjo,
not by the need voiced by the community. Furthermore, we have also read the
public statement by Budi Rahardjo that he will have nothing to do with the
new organization, that sounds like disruption of continuity to us, and we
are deeply concerned as to how this will affect internet services related to
domain .id during the transition period.

The inquiry

We would like to receive official answer from APJII regarding the following

1. Is there any specific technical issues that calls for setting up an
entirely new organization to manage ccTLD .id? If there is, please explain
to us in elaborative manners.
2. Have APJII explore other ways to gain better role in the management,
aside of creating a new organization? Joining the current managing
organization as a member is one example that we can propose.
3. Change should only be pursued if it will result in improvement. Please
list the details of improvements expected as the result of creating a new
organization, as well as the supporting studies.
4. How will APJII handle the transition of management to prevent disruption
of service ? Does APJII have personnels already accustomed to the current
system, or does APJII have a signed agreement from parties involved in the
current management, promising to provide technical expertise during the

As a closing statement, we urge APJII to carefully reconsider between the
benefits and loss of this move, and hopefully will arrive to a solution
which is safer and better to the Internet compared to the one currently

Thank you for your attention and reply.

Sincerely yours,

Irwan Effendi
Secretary - Internet Society Indonesian Chapter

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