> You are thinking the wrong way. You should think: what tools are available
> on a standard compliant OS and will they fit my needs. If they fit your needs
> then use them even if it might be easier to use the nonstandard things from
> Linux.
> ... If it is _really_ not possible to live with standard tools, think of other
> solutions.

I simply don't know all tools and functions of all operating systems, 
Because of that I need to patches to improve the system, instead of 
flames because I've developed it to use tools that I already 
know in my day-to-day.

I'm learning a lot too from the suggestions and tricks sent by list to 
improve the system.

> There is no reason to use tempfile at all as I see no improvement with tempfile
> compared to a standard solution.

Do you mean "/tmp/file.$$$"?
> If you like your application to be usable (and accepted) by many people,
> use standard tools. There is no 'less' on UNIX! If you need more, use more.
> If you like the user to be able to use a different pager, check $PAGER.

Yes, $PAGER sounds better yet than less. Personally I use less as $PAGER
but I know people that uses emacs, mc, joe...

> *********** Here is something that leads us back to the TAR discussion **********
> .... So I should add some final notes on the TAR discussion. Note that I am doing
> this in this thread, because I hope not to restart the TAR thread this way.

> The big problem with FSF (official GNU) is that FSF likes to _force_ users to use
> FSF Programs anywhere. This is _very_ similar to what M$ does. There is no
> difference from taking money for the tools or not if you only look at this
> point.
> My main goal is that people should be able to use what they prefer, but the
> defaults should be the standarards (POSIX & OpenGroup) and _not_ FSF. At least
> when there is a diference between FSF tools and the standards.

I agreed, now I see that makes no sense to use non-standard tools.
> If you did not yet get my message from the TAR discussion, I repeat it in different
> words:
>         Use whatever TAR program you like to use.
>         However, if "your favorite" TAR program is not able to extract TAR archives
>         don't piss on me! Simply send a bug report to the maintainer of "your
>         favorite" TAR program.
> *********************************************************************************
> As it seems that people who know nothing but Linux have problens to find out
> what is nonstandard on Linux, here is the ultimate link for the official
> behavior of *NIX:
>         http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/
> >J=F6rg: Does the plain, old sh support functions in shell scripts?  If not,
> Of course: This feature has been added around 1982-1984
> >than the memoria-cd script might print a message like:
> >"Please upgrade your shell to something usable like bash.  Cannot go on."
> Using the word "upgrade" is very very quetionable in this context.
> If you overwrite /bin/sh with bash or if you modify the root account
> to use any other shell than sh (note that this is even /sbin/sh on modern
> UNIXes - /sbin/ is the static binaries directory - All programs in /sbin
> need to be able to work in single user mode when there are no shared libraries
> available) you may completely corrupt your installation forcing a re-install
> from CD.

> >J=F6rg: Does the ps on "real" Unices support this: ps ax --sort=3Dppid ?
> NO: UNIX does not suport 'ps ax' at all AFAIK, Linux has no standard compliant
> pa at all.

Really that "ps ax --sort=ppid" write the pid number only as a status,
not affect the cdcontrol system of any way. 
There is another way to get real pid from each parent cdrecord process
controls each recorder without to use that? I had no luck with 'pidof'
I'm not sure if it's posix compliant or not...
> Look at: http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xcu/ps.html

> for the official behavior of 'ps'.
> cat /var/adm/messages* | grep 'mem ' ...

Humm, the debian distribution store this logfile in /var/adm/messages

> But:
> -       This does not work on Linux because it uses nonstandard places
>         for log files.
> -       If a machine is 'up' for a long time the needed information has been
>         scrolled out.

The system could be changed to check from the output of 
'uname' (is uname a standard unix tool?), and run the apropriade 
code for Linux ou other some unix flavor. 

Thanks again

Gleydson Mazioli da Silva

"Tenho o maior orgulho de jogar na terra onde Cristo nasceu..."

--Claudiomiro, ex-meia do Internacional-RS ao chegar em
  Belém do Pará para disputar uma partida contra o 
  Payssandu pelo Brasileirão de 72

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