> True, but having an automounter like autofs would be an easy way of 
> implementing this, and it has the advantage that it'll also work 
> from outside of the DE.

Hm, true. Any distro actually using autofs though? SuSE isn't, don't
know about others. Can one assume that people who use the command line
these days ought to know what they're doing?

> But that means that you lose all functionality if you have a single 
> writer in the machine that is also used for reading. If you want it 
> to work for already-written CDs, and yet not interfere with 
> burning, then unless there is a non-interfering way of determining 
> the disk type and/or whether it is being written, this is 
> impossible.

What I meant was those autothingies should keep their hands off a disk
while a burn process is happening. Dunno whether it's possible to detect
this, but isn't that the way it should be?

Sorry, can't help further.


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