On Wed 28 January 2004 16:07, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Jan 27 21:08:37 2004
> >Aha, thanks for explaining that. This does pose a bit of a
> > problem though if you have both: say I insert a CD, then the
> > volume manager sees it and mounts it. Then I go to my magic
> > automounter directory and it tries to mount it too. Problem.
> > Doing away with the automounter means users have to mount disks
> > by hand (which my mum would probably find too complicated),
> > while doing away with the volume management means that users
> > get no feedback after they inserted a CD in the drive, which is
> > less bad but still undesirable from a user interface
> > perspective.
> This is a reason why Apple and Sun introduced such a beast on the
> 1980s
> >So how about this. We run a normal automounter. The volume
> > manager does not actually mount disks, but just reads the
> > volume label.
> This is enough to interrupt the CD writing process in a way that
> creates a coaster.

Is there any way at all to check whether a CD is being written 
without disturbing the writing process?

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