Hi Thomas,

Am Freitag, 21. November 2008 20:56 schrieb Thomas Schmitt:

> > growisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao -Z /dev/sr2
> > -use-the-force-luke=notry,tty Is such a construct - multiple use of
> > -use-the-force-luke parameters - allowed?
> Yes it is. As often as you want.

Fine, because of my test I assumed it can be done that way.

> Strange: "notry,tty" is not among them.

Little typo missing "a": notray

> I cannot spot any comma interpretation.

This comma seperated option is added by the frontend webcdwriter/CDWserver 

I'm not a C programmer having greater experience f. e. in pascal but the 
corresponding part of the code

{   s++;
    if (strstr(s,"tty"))        no_tty_check = 1;
    if (strstr(s,"dummy"))      test_write   = 1;

and so on
compares if the constant string f. e. tty is part of s. I think all if 
lines are in action even a previous if statement return true.

If this explanation is right all comma seperated values should be found.


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Fax : +49-2536-9943
WWW    : http://home.foni.net/~marcusroeckrath/

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