Hi Jörg,

Am Sonntag, 23. November 2008 15:17 schrieb Joerg Schilling:

> > If I call cdrecord -minfo it gives me to warnings on growisofs (dao
> > mode) burned DVD-RWs.
> Sorry, but I am not sure what you like to tell me here....

What's about these warnings from cdrecord -minfo:

WARNING: Phys disk size 1607072 differs from rzone size 0! Prerecorded 
WARNING: Phys start: 196608 Phys end 1803679

The DVD-RW was burned successfull by growisofs in dao mode.

I had put the complete output from cdrecord -minfo and dvd+rw-mediainfo on 
this disk in my mail written on 21.11.2008 22:12.


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Fax : +49-2536-9943
WWW    : http://home.foni.net/~marcusroeckrath/

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