Dear All,

Poul and I have looked at the discussion on this thread and to best encompass the various suggestions we've decided to ask Tommy to do the following:
1. Include both a category field with predefined terms (Tommy has this in now) and an additional general 'key word' field. A model can be in multiple categories.
2. The sort facility on the repository will have three ways of sorting: The 1st is the above list of categories, the 2nd is a drop down list that provides more options (see next point), and the 3rd is the curation level.
3. The 2nd sort facility will present several options such as keyword search, species, cell type, etc, and access to more extensive boolean searches (author, year, etc).


Matt wrote:
On 6/8/07, James Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So for example someone's trying to build a large model but the only
components (or data to build components) available are from non-matching


So the LFID (I looked it up but it went over my head) provides
a way we can do that which is more precise and flexible than simply
referring to NCBI taxonomy?

Read the paper I referenced, it has a very simple breakdown of LSID
and the taxonomy naming issue.

The critical thing for us is that a single model will quite often
contain elements that derive their mechanism or parameters from
studies on different organisms, so we need to be quite rigorous in
looking at all components in a model and identifying their origin.
This is obviously one facet where imports should be helping us to put
circles around species specific submodels.
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