David Nickerson wrote:
>> Actually they are.  Keywords are defined in the CellML metadata 
>> specifications and are already being used in various files.  Feel free to 
>> check the CellML files of the old repository and scroll down the to keyword 
>> section.  An example follows.
>> >From http://www.cellml.org/examples/models/beeler_reuter_model_1977.html:
>>       <!--  Keyword(s) -->
>>       <bqs:reference rdf:parseType="Resource">
>>         <dc:subject rdf:parseType="Resource">
>>           <bqs:subject_type>keyword</bqs:subject_type>
>>           <rdf:value>
>>             <rdf:Bag>
>>               <rdf:li>ventricular myocyte</rdf:li>
>>               <rdf:li>electrophysiological</rdf:li>
>>             </rdf:Bag>
>>           </rdf:value>
>>         </dc:subject>
>>       </bqs:reference>
>> I do understand it may be different from the full CellML metadata 
>> specification as found in 
>> http://www.cellml.org/specifications/metadata/cellml_metadata_1.0#sec_bqs, 
>> but all other models pretty much follow this RDF format and so I wound up 
>> having to follow the above format to pick up the keyword metadata.
> does this mean that keywords described using the RDF specified in the 
> CellML Metadata Specification will not be picked up? or is the above 
> allowed in addition to following the specification? And are there any 
> plans to standardise on one or the other of these?
I believe as per the metadata specification status, it is only a draft. 
I did not develop the specifications and I did not coded the model, and 
since the current usage is not following the specification I have not 
much of a choice and so I did not follow the draft specification.  I can 
of course make adjustment to the keyword code.  As for standardization 
of the keyword metadata, I am not the best person to answer that.
>>> I would have liked some indication that the 'categories' used also end
>>> up in the model keywords attributed to the model in addition to the
>>> keywords supplied by the author when creating or uploading the model.
>> That is already the case, the 'categories' *are* keywords that are chosen by 
>> Peter as a selectable choice in the filtering drop box for the repository 
>> listing.
> So categories simply end up as keywords in a model's metadata with no 
> other special significance than that they happen to match one of a 
> predefined set used in the model repository interface? And I'm gonna 
> assume that this is not a case sensitive match, right?
It may be case sensitive right now, but I will look into it. I currently 
made keywords all lower case on submit, but if it is agreed this is not 
the ideal solution I will no longer enforce the casing and do a 
case-insensitive comparison.
>>> I would like there to be as many keywords allowed as the
>>> author/uploader wants (perhaps just a lines field will do for now for
>>> this). Constraining them to a single extra keyword in addition to a
>>> selected category makes no sense to me.
>> In the Edit Keyword interface, any keyword of the model that matches one of 
>> the 'blessed' keywords will be highlighted in the category list.  All other 
>> keywords will be in the lines field editor.  Feel free to log into the site 
>> (I assume you have an account) and try out the editing interface.  I do 
>> agree it is currently slightly clunky, but James has no complaints with it 
>> and he has already added/verified keyword for half the curated models (I 
>> think) of the repository.
> the interface looks ok, but not sure what you mean about keywords 
> matching the categories being highlighted? I guessing you mean after I 
> click the update keywords button, because there is certainly nothing 
> being highlighted as I type them in...
It is done at load time of the page. If for instance we have a model 
with the keywords 'metabolism' and 'cardiac', the keyword 'metabolism' 
will be highlighted, and 'cardiac' will be placed in its own line in the 
following line edit box. No other magic.
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