1) The data reported is from a CLI in cygwin terminal, so least amount
of overhead presumably. 

$ time wget -O - http://www.cellml.org > /dev/null
--02:41:34--  http://www.cellml.org/
           => `-'
Resolving www.cellml.org...
Connecting to www.cellml.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 19,177 (19K) [text/html]

19,177        20.36K/s             

02:41:37 (20.32 KB/s) - `-' saved [19177/19177]

real    0m5.765s
user    0m0.061s
sys     0m0.187s

I must say that I'm on a 11 Mbps line at a hotel in DC, yes, they still
have these "evil" 11 Mbps lines in our capital. Just for comparison:

$ time wget -O - http://www.sdsc.edu > /dev/null
--02:43:00--  http://www.sdsc.edu/
           => `-'
Resolving www.sdsc.edu...
Connecting to www.sdsc.edu||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 17,853 (17K) [text/html]

17,853        55.82K/s             

02:43:00 (55.78 KB/s) - `-' saved [17853/17853]

real    0m1.965s
user    0m0.077s
sys     0m0.123s

$ time wget -O - http://www.auckland.ac.nz > /dev/null
--02:44:09--  http://www.auckland.ac.nz/
           => `-'
Resolving www.auckland.ac.nz...
Connecting to www.auckland.ac.nz||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 16,891 (16K) [text/html]

16,891         9.62K/s             

02:44:21 (9.60 KB/s) - `-' saved [16891/16891]

real    0m12.403s
user    0m0.077s
sys     0m0.155s

The DNS resolution appears to be sluggish, besides the transfer rate.

2,3) Apparently IE is slower than the other browsers because it has to
process this warning about MSXML 5.0 on every page. Opera 9 loads the
first page very slow, maybe 10 sec, but then the other pages are quite
fast. My firefox is set up with UCSD proxy, so it'll be slower, and I
don't use it normally.

4) See 1). 


        -----Original Message-----
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
        Of Andrew Miller
        Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 1:07 AM
        To: CellML Discussion List
        Subject: Re: [cellml-discussion] Cellml website access 
        speed and IE7 warning
        Wilfred Li wrote:
        > Hi, everyone,
        > It seems that the access speed from North America to 
        the website is 
        > rather slow,
        Network latencies and throughputs from New Zealand <-> 
        US are always going to be slower than the typical 
        speeds within each respective country, so I'm not sure 
        if this is normal or not. It takes just over a second 
        to load and render http://www.sdsc.edu/ from within 
        Auckland, as opposed to under a second for 
        http://www.cellml.org/ (obviously, the pages don't have 
        exactly the same amount of data required, and this is 
        in Firefox, so this might be different than for you).
        I'm also not sure if you mean the network speed or the 
        page rendering speed, so a few things to try that might 
        narrow it down:
        1) Can you give us some quantitative measure of what 
        you mean by slow. I would recommend something like the 
        time wget -O - http://www.cellml.org/ >/dev/null
        If this is fast, perhaps the time it takes for a 
        complete page reload in your browser might be useful 
        (Shift + F5 in most browsers).
        2) Does the slowness happen for all pages or just some?
        3) Is there any difference between browsers (e.g. is it 
        just as slow in Firefox)?
        4) How long does it take for http://www.auckland.ac.nz 
        to load in your browser?
        >  and I keep getting the warning from IE7 about "This 
        website wants to 
        > run the following add-on" "MSXML 5.0", ...?
        Does this happen when you try to open a CellML model in 
        IE or even on normal pages? Can you narrow down when 
        this happens?
        Thanks for reporting this issue,
        Best regards,
        cellml-discussion mailing list
cellml-discussion mailing list

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