Hi Ely,

I hope Alan's reply fixes your problem. If I could I'd just like to
suggest that next time if you have a question could you please make a
new thread, instead of replying to an old one and changing the subject?
I made the same mistake previously myself - if you just reply and change
the subject it doesn't make a new thread, it simply continues the old
one. This is important because we archive our discussions on the
cellml-discussion list.

Thanks for posting, it's good to know issues like this that people are

Kind regards,
James Lawson

Ely Edison Matos wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Ely Matos. I'm studying CellML Models in a academic project. I've
> downloaded PCEnv 2.0 and some models from repository. But my first use,
> loading the file "hodgkin_huxley_1952_version06.cellml" show a strange
> error:
> Error: Variable g_L has initial_value 0.3 which isn't a valid floating point
> number, nor a valid variable name within that component.
> How can I fix it? The Integrate button don't appear.
> Sorry, if here is not the right to place to this question (if so, plz,
> indicate the right place..:-))
> Thanks,
> Ely Matos
> Federal University of Juiz de Fora - Brazil
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