
Clemens Schueller schrieb:
> I'm sitting here on a Windows workstation and have been connected via
> putty to a linux host, where centerim (git branch) is running:
> The locale on the Linux host is as follows.
> [...]snip UTF-8 locale
> In the putty Settings UTF-8 is defined.
> But the german umlauts (ä,ö,ü) are corrupted and not shown correct.
> What can i do?
Nothing, CenterIM as well as CenterICQ doesn't support UTF-8. You'll
have to switch to ISO-8859-15 or wait till CenterIM 5 is released (no
schedule for that at the moment).

You may edit the configure script to build against ncursesw manually,
but you will still experience strange issues (like an advancing cursor
if you type 2-byte characters like umlauts, etc) and some translations
may be broken.

Another way is: try running CenterIM through a terminal filter. E.g
"luit" should be capable of that. It translates all inputs to a program
from UTF-8 to a given charset and does the same vice versa for program's


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