On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 07:03:13PM +0000, Stéphane Bisinger wrote:

> The thing is this: who can decide is the owner of the project. Since
> no one owns it, who decides it's licence?

I'm not sure, but I thought that the mozilla project had the same
problem. They had to have consensus of almost (because not everybody was
still reachable) all contributors of the project to change the license.

> The less painful options are these:
> 1 - Leave as it is and simply say no to Lubomir
> 2 - Make him use the GNUtls version of centerim
> 3 - Work to add support to NSS

I also think that these are the options. And I spoke with Lubomir and he
wants to use option 2. That should be enough to get the package in

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