Hi all,

Stéphane Bisinger schrieb:
> Hi all,
> first of all I'd like to know if this happens only with CenterIM and
> not with other clients. I have a vague memory of a bug on the ICQ
> servers, but I it could be totally unrelated (or absolutely false).
I do not experience that on my Work Account with Pidgin, but I do with
CenterIM and my private UIN. Though most probably my private UIN is more
"visible" on the Internet and was registered loooong ago.

> What is curious is that I don't get this behaviour, or at least not in
> the proportions you do. I have some contacts (less than 10 I'd say)
> that come out of nowhere, although I get the usual spam. I saw that
I use CenterIM with Captcha enabled and I recognize this:
- Some Spam-Accounts are on the server side list
- Many more are on the local "list" resp. I have a bunch of directorys
under .centerim.

As soon I get the time (quite busy at the moment) I'll write some
scripts to check the server-side and client-side lists and compare them.
Additionally I'd like to check the history-files to find the "real"
accounts in my client-side list


PS: In general I'd vote for getting CIM5 done. The more people who help
unknown, the faster we'd get rid of all these protocol stuff :)

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