
2010/9/23 Sascha Vogt <funkyf...@gmx.net>:
> Am 17.09.2010 17:07, schrieb Erik Lotspeich:
>> I've used centericq (and now centerim) for nearly ten years.  I saw the
>> recent request for developers.

As you can see, none of us really have that great deal of time!

>> I'm a C/C++ software engineer with over ten years experience with Linux
>> (both application & kernel).  I would like to receive some guidance on
>> the best place to start helping out.  Would it be best to look into bugs
>> in CenterIM 4?  Or implementation for CenterIM 5?
> I personally would love to see implemenation on CIM5 making progress. I
> guess using libpurple would help a lot, since there are only very few
> CIM developers and keeping track of all the protocol issues can be
> cumbersome.

That also depends on your wishes: CIM4 is being actively used by a lot
of users, but the code is really REALLY old and it is not looking good
anymore. It is C-oriented, meaning that while it is C++ code, many
things are done in the old, C fashioned way. Changes in one place
sometimes mean that you have to change a lot of code elsewhere and
sometimes it becomes really annoying to do so...

On the other hand, CIM5 is not ready for release, but being a new
implementation from scratch it is free of all the problems described
above. It's development is slow because AFAIK almost everything has
been written by just one person, who - as you can guess - has many
things going on in his life.

With your expertise you could work on anything you wish, so it's up to
you to choose which code to work on.

Thank you for your kind offer!


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