On 12. Mar 15 23:20, Wade Berrier wrote:
> Hello,
> I've finished a rough implementation of conversation room lists.
> I didn't know where to post, so I posted to my github account:
> https://github.com/wberrier/centerim5
> Some questions:
> 1. how's the placement of the room list?  Another idea I had was to
> put the roomlist in the buddy list in a similar treeview, collapsible
> per room.
> 2. For the list, is ListBox the most appropriate widget to use?  It
> seems so, because eventually it would be nice if the roomlist could
> take focus, scroll, and provide context menus for each member.  Can
> someone propose a recommended widget hierarchy for this?
> 3. Is it possible to get ListBox to not pad between names/widgets?
> 4. There was a small bug in VerticalLine that prevented it's use
> 5. sorting of the room list is pretty messed up
> Comments?  Feedback?

Hi Wade,

Thank you for the patch. I will have a look next week and answer
your questions.


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