On 16. Dec 19 17:30, Wade Berrier wrote:
> Seems to definitely be affected by tmux :(
> Various terms outside of tmux work, various inside don't work.
> Also it looks like I couldn't reproduce this inside of screen.
> Any ideas?

I still have no luck reproducing the issue on my side. If the
problem appears only with tmux then my first suggestion is to
collect logs from the program as described on its GitHub page
[1]. The logs should contain information about on-screen width of
all characters as determined by tmux. There is possibly some
mismatch what CppConsUI, ncurses, tmux and the terminal emulator
calculate as on-screen width of the displayed emojis.

[1] https://github.com/tmux/tmux/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md


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