On 13/08/2009, Brian Mathis <brian.mathis+centosd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Alan Bartlett<a...@elrepo.org> wrote:
>  > On 12/08/2009, Brian Mathis <brian.mathis+centosd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  >> Requesting access for BrianMathis on the wiki to make misc edits and
>  >>  contributions.
>  >
>  > Will you please elaborate on what you have in mind.
>  >
>  > Alan.
> I wanted to fix an issue that came up on the centos mailing list, and
>  I've also done a bit of work on aligning partitions with RAID stripes.
>   Evolution had added a section on that, and I may be able to elaborate
>  on it.
>  However, I think that asking people to justify why they want Wiki
>  access highlights the issues that have been brought up in the "CentOS
>  Project Infrastructure" thread, as far as openness of the project
>  goes.  It really seems like contributions are discouraged at every
>  turn.
>  Most projects have an open wiki, but the one on CentOS is closed.  The
>  stated reason for that is to prevent spam.  That's an acceptable
>  reason, marginally, but one that people can deal with.  But the bar
>  then is raised even further where users have to go through this whole
>  process of proposing a topic, submitting ideas, and waiting for them
>  to be approved.  That isn't a wiki, that's a peer-reviewed journal --
>  and it's not what makes OSS communities strong.
>  So do we need to ask for access to ensure we're not spammers, or
>  because some people want control over everything?

Thank you for the reply. Please wait for Ralph to attend to your request.

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