On 08/13/2009 02:58 PM, Brian Mathis wrote:
> Most projects have an open wiki, but the one on CentOS is closed.  The
> stated reason for that is to prevent spam.  That's an acceptable
> reason, marginally, but one that people can deal with.  But the bar
> then is raised even further where users have to go through this whole
> process of proposing a topic, submitting ideas, and waiting for them
> to be approved.  That isn't a wiki, that's a peer-reviewed journal --
> and it's not what makes OSS communities strong.

That sounds mostly like opinion. Also, if the peergroup can grow in a 
sustainable manner, what you have is a highly capable and somewhat 
higher trustworthy content pool. Anyway, the editorial group can always 
use more people onboard.

> So do we need to ask for access to ensure we're not spammers, or
> because some people want control over everything?

Neither of those is valid really. The point of the wiki being in the 
state that it is in at the moment is to have a contributing resource 
that grows within its peer trust level / confidence.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/  : 2522...@icq
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