Ralph Angenendt wrote on 10/05/2009 04:40 AM:
> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 8:36 AM, Dag Wieers <d...@wieers.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 2 Oct 2009, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
>> Could it be that entry to collaborate is not low enough to make it work ? If
>> you have too many rules, people might be afraid/unable to make the necessary
>> fix. Especially if it requires sending a mail and decision by committee.
> Um. Since when does it, when you want to make a fix? As said, there
> are around 80 people who already are able to fix things all over the
> place. Which does not require to send a mail anywhere, but just making
> a fix.

I seem to recall someone pointing out that few of those 80 are active. 
Why not bring in some fresh blood and new energy?  If 80 have the 
privilege why not 85 or 100?  If the view is that there are too many 
open accounts with global edit rights, then restrict those that have not 
contributed in X years, but lower the barriers to entry for new 

>> My worries are that you are taking something for granted that is caused by
>> the current rules, to keep those rules in place.
> Can you be a bit more vague?

I think you may be confusing vagueness with a bit of a language barrier. 
  We can't all be native English speakers, and email (Wiki, Forum, ...) 
communication is hard enough when everybody's first language is the 
same.  Dag's point that more openness could be a good thing seems pretty 
clear to me.

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