On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Bob Stine <b...@waltonstine.net> wrote:

> I've read website http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/JavaOnCentOS.  I am a
> total newbie with CentOS, but currently, with update 21 of the Java 6 JDK
> and CentOS 5.5, the installing the JDK appears to be simpler:
> 1. Download the latest *rpm.bin jdk (as of
> today,jdk-6u21-linux-i586-rpm.bin) from
> http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/widget/jdk6.jsp
> 2. chmod +x the downloaded file.
> 3. su
> 4. Execute the file.
> The main advantage of this procedure is that you do not need to build an
> RPM.
> ---
> Bob Stine
> b...@waltonstine.net  (703) 217-4784
>   *Rule for living: What Would Clint Eastwood Do?*
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