Bob Stine wrote:
> I've read website 
> <>.  I am a total newbie 
> with CentOS, but currently, with update 21 of the Java 6 JDK and 
> CentOS 5.5, the installing the JDK appears to be simpler:
> 1. Download the latest *rpm.bin jdk (as of 
> today,jdk-6u21-linux-i586-rpm.bin) 
> from 
> <>
> 2. chmod +x the downloaded file.
> 3. su
> 4. Execute the file.
> The main advantage of this procedure is that you do not need to build 
> an RPM. 
> ---
> Bob Stine
> <>  (703) 217-4784
> /Rule for living: What Would Clint Eastwood Do?/
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> CentOS-docs mailing list
This issue with Wiki page has been discussed recently on the following 
forum topic:

and although I never got to reply to Alan Bartlett's proposition (sorry 
Alan), cause I never got the time to go through the whole thing 
thoroughly - been rather busy lately.

However, I am, in fact, interested in making adjustments to the Wiki 
page - but sadly not the ones you proposed Bob, since the just won't do 
the trick.
I have to admitt, I don't recall the above instructions (provided at 
Sun/Oracle's web site - with the links to download the Sun Java SDK 
package) ever
doing any good.

So, Ralph (or any other Wiki admin) would you be kind enough to escalate 
my privileges in order for me to edit the JavaOnCentOS Wiki?

Of course, if we get to it, I'll make sure we discuss it thoroughly on 
the mailing list before the changes go public.

*Milos Blazevic*

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