Thanks for the reply Kai.

I will try to clarify...

I originally built the centos 5 system with xen - but I was having various network problems. I found that if I booted the alternate "non xen" kernel - I had fewer problems. I had no pressing need for xen - so I changed the default boot kernel to be the non-xen kernel - so I assume I am now NOT running xen. However - dnsmasq still appears to be running... Here are some of the commands you suggested...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service dnsmasq status
dnsmasq (pid 3776) is running...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ps ax|grep dnsmasq
3776 ? S 0:00 dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file --conf-file --listen-address --except-interface lo --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/libvirt/dhcp-default.leases --dhcp-range,
25474 pts/2    S+     0:00 grep dnsmasq

This looks to me like some xen stuff is running - in particular the 192.168.122. subnet looks a bit xen-ish.

But I am confident that the "non xen" kernel is running:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-53.1.14.el5 #1 SMP Wed Mar 5 11:37:38 EST 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I guess that there must be lots of things I don't understand. It is not clear to me whether I am using xen or not - though I am not intending to...:-)

I notice that libvirtd is running - and is set to run on boot. Should this be the case when running the non xen kernel?

Should I set libvirtd to not start on boot. This might get rid on dnsmasq - but is it a safe and good thing to do in my case? Presumably - if I want to use xen at some future date - I will need to change kernels - and restart libvirtd.

Is there anything else I need to prevent from starting to eliminate all traces of xen?



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Richard Chapman wrote on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:03:27 +0800:

In my startup scripts - dnsmasq is set to "not start on boot" so I thought there was no problem - but I find that in spite of the startup script - dnsmasq appears to be running.

What did you do?
service dnsmasq status
ps ax|grep dnsmasq

dnsmasq would indeed be running, although it's not configured to start, *if* you were using xen, because libvirtd would start it. It's not clear if you are using xen or not.


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