On 08/02/15 05:09, S.Tindall wrote:
> On Sat, 2015-02-07 at 23:06 -0500, Mark LaPierre wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> On my X86-64 CentOS 6.6 machine I just ran yum update.  In the update
>> was an upgrade from the 340.XX Nvidia package to the 346.XX package.
>> Hrmmm?  I'm thinking this is not a good idea but, since this is just a
>> test system any way, I let it run.  Sure enough I was right.  Dmesg says
>> that my video is supported by the 340.XX driver, not the 346.XX driver.
>>  It's not happy cause it can't find a supported GPU.
>> 1. So, having only a command line interface, how do I tell yum to rip
>> out the 346.XX package and reinstall the 340.XX package?
>> 2. How do I tell yum not to do such stupid stuff again?
> Assuming you mean that you just updated the kmod-nvidia package, then
> follow the instructions at the top of this page.
> http://elrepo.org/tiki/kmod-nvidia
> It happened to me, too. Easy fix. :-)
> Steve

Yes, just to reiterate:

yum erase kmod-nvidia
yum install kmod-nvidia-340xx

You will then be on the correct driver branch and will get the
appropriate driver updates going forwards, no changes to yum necessary.

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