On 2019-09-25 11:31, Xinhuan Zheng wrote:
Hello All,

I guess it is very common for administrative purpose, to dump and restore a 
CentOS 7 system.

Though I can not answer OP's question, I have question of my own.

Is this really routine (often) task for Linux sysadmins? I used something like that to replicate cluster nodes in the past, but kickstart would be routine task for me. dump/restore sounds like routine from MS Windows world (I hear they "re-image" system if something goes wrong ;-)

Am I wrong? Do we in Linux world do this routinely?


I usually use dump/restore commands. However, I’m having trouble to handle 
installing bootloader and creating initramfs for C7 system. Does anyone know a 
good document source that details those procedure?
Thank you,

Xinhuan Zheng
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