James B. Byrne wrote:
> host1 crontab -l as root
> 45 7 * * * /usr/sbin/logwatch --service http --service imapd
> --service pop3 --service sshd --service vsftpd --service
> zz-disk_space --service zz-network --service zz-sys --mailto
> supp...@harte-lyne.ca
> host2 crontab -l as root
> 45 7 * * * /usr/sbin/logwatch --service http --service imapd
> --service pop3 --service sshd --service vsftpd --service
> zz-disk_space -- service zz-network --service zz-sys --mailto
> supp...@harte-lyne.ca   #Logwatch summary

I'm afraid I cannot address your specific question, however this may 
still be helpful...

I recommend moving all of those command line switches from your crontab 
into the config file(s).

The defaults are defined in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

The logwatch maintainers intend users to override those defaults in 

If you move your customizations to /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf, 
then you can call logwatch without any switches at all.

Also, something I do and find useful is to leave delivery of the 
logwatch emails set to the default - r...@localhost. Then forward root's 
mail to my external sys...@domain account. This way I get any/all system 
generated e-mail to root (like an mdadm failed array event!), not just 

Hope that helps,
Andy Hull
CentOS mailing list

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