lists-centos wrote:
> Do you really have the comment on the line with the command in the
> second one? That's not allowed, and will mess things up, see the
> crontab(5) man page - second paragraph under "description". 
> If you have that comment there it's hard to tell exactly what will
> happen in terms of addressing.
>     - Rick

Regardless of what the man page says in practice bash treats everything 
after a # as a comment.  Most of my crontab entries on various hosts 
have comments appended and they all work, for example this one from host3:

45 7 * * * /usr/sbin/logwatch --service http --service imapd --service 
pop3 --service sshd --service vsftpd --service zz-disk_space --mailto #Daily Logwatch report on server access services.

In any case, removing the comment from the crontab entry on the host in 
question does not change the behaviour. The logwatch report is still 
mailed to

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