Joseph L. Casale writes:

> I might be needing to utilize one of the provided virtualization packages 
> either in a headless
> console only setup of CentOS or on my desktop. I havent used anything but 
> ESXi in ages
> except virtualbox which I did not like at all. Most of the guests which I 
> will need to run will be
> wnidows based and last I looked at this a few years ago, windows guests ran 
> pathetic. What
> are some more current opinions on how windows guests run on the available 
> packages compared
> to ESXi?
> The version numbers between the rhel virtio-win drivers and the publicly 
> available ones are
> significantly different, and it looks like you need a rhel sub for theirs. 
> Anyone know the state
> of the ones on the fedora repo?

I've been using those drivers from Fedora for quite a while now for M$ 
guests, they work fine for what I need.

> Has kvm made snapshots (without lvm) as slick as vmware yet?

Nope, you will have to use lvm; a small price to pay to be "free" ;-)

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