It is possible to use semanage to label the files correctly and to persist 
after reboot see man pages for FTP 
Hope this helps
On 26 Dec 2012, at 09:05, "James A. Peltier" <> wrote:

> I'm trying to find a way to exclude file systems during the autorelabel 
> process.  I have a file system (/exports) that has tens of millions of files 
> on it and I *know* I don't want it relabeled.
> I've tried semanage fcontext -a -t "<<none>>" "/exports(/.*)?" and it seems 
> to insist on relabeling that file system.  I also tried to see if there was a 
> /.autorelabel_exclude option as I saw some patches but can't seem to find 
> indication of them anywhere (perhaps I missed it).  I really need to make 
> sure that I can exclude these massive directories if at all possible.
> Any help?
> -- 
> James A. Peltier
> Manager, IT Services - Research Computing Group
> Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
> Phone   : 778-782-6573
> Fax     : 778-782-3045
> E-Mail  :
> Website :
> "The smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, 
> reconsidering a problem they thought they’d already solved. They’re open to 
> new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and 
> challenges to their own way of thinking." - Jeff Bezos
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