On 12/26/2012 4:05 AM, James A. Peltier wrote:
> I'm trying to find a way to exclude file systems during the autorelabel 
> process.  I have a file system (/exports) that has tens of millions of files 
> on it and I *know* I don't want it relabeled.
How often do you need to do this?  The obvious solution is to comment out the 
entry in /etc/fstab for the /exports filesystem and then "touch /.autorelabel" 
and reboot.  When the 
machine comes back up, remove the comment the entry in /etc/fstab and then do a 
"mount -a".

If you want to do this on a regular basis, just script the whole thing, 
including a script called from /etc/rc.d/rc.local which checks for a semaphore 
file created by the first 
script and does the uncomment and "mount -a" if the first script has been run. 
Do lots of error checking and don't forget to remove the semaphore file when 
the system is back up.  
Run the whole thing out of cron.

There may be a more direct way to do what you want, but this is one way to do 
it using simple shell commands.

Hope this helps

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