On 2013-05-24, Rock <rocksock...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 24 May 2013 11:59:34 -0700, Keith Keller wrote:
>> Only the CentOS* repositories are official CentOS repos.
> If I could, I'd stick with those official repositories.

You are still missing the point, which is that you are much more likely
to get a more accurate and official answer about a package in a
non-official repo from a list or forum dedicated to that non-official
repo.  Yes, people here can guess, but unless they have a relationship
with that repo it's just a guess (and possibly not a good one).  And
unless someone has that relationship, they certainly can't arrange for
a new package in one of these repos if that is desired.

Put another way, would you ask Upstream when rpmforge was going to carry
these packages?



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