On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 04:08:58PM +0000, Rock wrote:
> On Sun, 26 May 2013 01:46:34 -0400, Scott Robbins wrote:
> Thanks. I made a bunch of guesses how to proceed. 
> I'm sure I erred, but here's what I did.
> What should I correct by way of use model?
> I'm not sure what the next step is (either rpm -ivh or rpm -Uvh)
> $ sudo rpm -ivh libmtp-1.1.6-0.el6.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
> ==> 1:libmtp ############################################## [100%]

You can always use Uvh which should update. When I played with it, I first
removed the older libmpt libraries.  U is for update, but it didn't in my
case, saying a library supplied by the older version was required by vlc.

If there is nothing to be updated, Uvh will just install.  At any rate, 
> I'm not sure how to check if it worked or not, so I'll just re-run this and 
> compare output:
> $ sudo yum install libmtp
> ==> Package matching libmtp-1.0.1-2.el6.x86_64 already installed

I'm not sure what happened.  As I think I said, I removed the older version

> Hmm... What is the next step?
> I guess the next step is to plug in the Samsung Galaxy S3 via USB cable and 
> see what happens.
> Drat.
> Unable to mount SAMSUNG_Android_SGH-T999
> Error initializing camera: -1: Unspecified error
> http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/13169313/640/13169313.png

One point that I've found on more recent distributions is make sure the
phone is unlocked when plugging it in.

> I unplug the USB cable, and plug the USB cable back in:
> On the desktop, a new entry called 'disk' shows up:
> Places->disk
> When I click it, I see what "appears" to be the phone.
> Clicking again (to take a screenshot) I now see a newer entry below 'disk' 
> called 'SAMSUNG_Android_SGH-T999'.
> http://www4.picturepush.com/photo/a/13169407/640/13169407.png

I use a window manager with fewer features (dwm) so I didn't see any icon.
On distributions that I do use to access the phone, on one of them, Lubuntu
with LXDE, it will show up and be accessible in the file browser.  On the
others, I run the command simple-mtpfs (or variant, depending upon
distribution) to mount it.  However, I wasn't able to successfully install
any of those (simple-mtpfs, mtpfs, or jmtpfs) on CentOS.

> Clicking on SAMSUNG_Android_SGH-T999 in the file browser, shows what 
> "appears" to be the phone (except that all folders show up as empty).
> http://www5.picturepush.com/photo/a/13169408/640/13169408.png
> It looks like the libmtp RPM worked but I'm not sure of the use model to 
> access the picture data on the cellphone (or any data on the cellphone, as 
> all directories show as empty when I click on them in Centos).

Honestly, I don't know.  However, I'm no expert programmer (or packager, I
just ran rpmbuild -ba on the spec file to build it.)

Scott Robbins
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