>Hello everybody,
>I am trying to run 2 instances of apache on centos since 2 weeks with no lucks 
>:S, exactly on the same IP address but different port.
>I've set up two configuration as follow:
>/etc/httpd and /etc/httpd2, and I duplicated the httpd service, so now I have 
>2 httpd service each one run an httpd conf.
Why two services? To have 2 or more Webservers at the same maschine with one or 
several IPs, that's why apache invented virtual hosts.
Set up vhosts for every instance you want to run.


>Now when I am trying to restart the first httpd service, it give the following
>httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, 
>using for ServerName but the status is OK. And when I try to restart 
>the >httpd2 service, it give the same error with a failed status.
>Some internet research told that I have to put a serverName in httpd.conf 
>(server name was commented) so I change it with the hostname of my VM.
>Now when I try to restart httpd2 the error message disappear, but his status 
>is always failed.
>My first httpd.conf don't have a serverName.
>My /etc/hosts contain only:
>                     localhost.localdomain localhost
>::1             localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
>Any help will be appreciated.
>Thank you
>Ahmad HC

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