Am Mon, 27 May 2013 08:33:39 +0000
schrieb "Woehrle Hartmut SBB CFF FFS (Extern)" <>:

> >Hello everybody,
> >
> >I am trying to run 2 instances of apache on centos since 2 weeks
> >with no lucks :S, exactly on the same IP address but different port.
> >I've set up two configuration as follow: /etc/httpd and /etc/httpd2,
> >and I duplicated the httpd service, so now I have 2 httpd service
> >each one run an httpd conf.
> >
> Why two services? 

There are situations where you might want to do this.
In our case, we had a customer running both mod_python and mod_wsgi at
the same time on the same server.
Due to some crashes, we decided to split apache up and add a 3rd
proxy-instance on top of it.
Has been running flawlessly since then.

When your infrastructure is completely virtualized, it may make no
But some people still prefer to run on real hardware ;-)
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