On 05/23/2012 12:22 AM, Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG wrote:
Am 23.05.2012 09:19, schrieb Josh Durgin:
On 05/23/2012 12:01 AM, Stefan Priebe - Profihost AG wrote:
You can use any of the rbd-specific options (like rbd_cache_max_dirty)
with qemu>= 0.15.

You can set them in a global ceph.conf file, or specify them on the qemu
command line like:

qemu -m 512 -drive
ah thanks and sorry. Is there a way to verify which options are active /
working on a specific rbd block device?

There's no way to ask which options it's using while it's running. That
would probably be a good thing to add (maybe as an admin socket

Until then, if you want to know the exact settings of all your rbd
disks, you can specify all the necessary options on the qemu command
line, and not have a ceph.conf file.

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