Hi Matt,

Can you post your ceph config?  Once you startup your ceph cluster, you
see that linuscs92 is the standby and linuscs95 is the active?  How are
you starting your cluster?

service ceph -a start

and yes linuscs95 comes out as active.

        ; enable secure authentication
;       auth supported = cephx
;       log_to_syslog = true
;       keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.bin
        ; monitors
        ;  You need at least one.  You need at least three if you want to
        ;  tolerate any node failures.  Always create an odd number.
        journal dio = true
        osd op threads = 24
        osd disk threads = 24
        filestore op threads = 6
        filestore queue max ops = 24

        osd client message size cap = 14000000
        ms dispatch throttle bytes =  17500000

        mon data = /vol/disk2/data/mon$id
        ; some minimal logging (just message traffic) to aid debugging
;       debug ms = 1

        host = linuscs92
        mon addr =

#       host = linuscs93
#       mon addr =

        host = linuscs95
        mon addr =

        ; mds
        ;  You need at least one.  Define two to get a standby.

        ; where the mds keeps its secret encryption keys
;       keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name

        host = linuscs92

        host = linuscs95
        mds standby replay = true
        mds standby for name = linuscs92

#    host = linuscs94

        ; osd
        ;  You need at least one.  Two if you want data to be replicated.
        ;  Define as many as you like.

        osd journal size = 1024
;       keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.$name

        host = linuscs92
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal

        host = linuscs93
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal
        host = linuscs94
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal
        host = linuscs95
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal
        host = linuscs96
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal

        host = linuscs97
        osd data = /vol/disk2/data/osd$id
        osd journal = /vol/disk1/data/osd$id/journal

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