
Scenario is correct but the last line. I can mount the image, but the
data that was written to the image before power failure is lost.

Currently the ceph cluster is not healthy, but i dont think its
related because I had this issue before the cluster itsef had issues
(about that I will write in different post not to mix topics).


2013/1/10 Sylvain Munaut <s.mun...@whatever-company.com>:
> Hi,
>> I hava a ubuntu 12.10 host with image mapped with rbd module. The
>> problem is that when this host
>> face a power failure all data on the mapped image is lost. If I unmap
>> the image via the rbd unmap command, the data is preserved. I've
>> noticed this problem also in version 0.56
> Make sure you use a recent kernel (like latest 3.6.x or more recent).
> I remember having RBD corruption and panics when I was using 3.2
> series, but since I moved to recent RBD code, it never happenned
> again.
> Cheers,
>     Sylvain
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