I'm testing out the tapdisk rbd that Sylvain wrote under Xen, and have been 
having all sorts of problems as the tapdisk process is segfaulting. To make 
matters worse, any attempt to use gdb on the resulting core just tells me it 
can't find the threads ('generic error'). Google tells me that I can get around 
this error by linking the main exe (tapdisk) with libpthread, but that doesn't 

With strategic printf's I have confirmed that in most cases the crash happens 
after a call to rbd_aio_read or rbd_aio_write and before the callback is 
called. Given the async nature of tapdisk it's impossible to be sure but I'm 
confident that the crash is not happening in any of the tapdisk code. It's 
possible that there is an off-by-one error in a buffer somewhere with the 
corruption showing up later but there really isn't a lot of code there and I've 
been over it very closely and it appears quite sound.

I have also tested for multiple complete's for the same request, and corrupt 
pointers being passed into the completion routine, and nothing shows up there 

In most cases there is nothing pre-empting the crash, aside from a tendency to 
seemingly crash more often when the cluster is disturbed (eg a mon node is 
rebooted). I have one VM which will be unbootable for long periods of time with 
the crash happening during boot, typically when postgres starts. This can be 
reproduced for hours and is useful for debugging, but then suddenly the problem 
goes away spontaneously and I can no longer reproduce it even after hundreds of 

I'm using Debian and the problem exists with both the latest cuttlefish and 
dumpling deb's.

So... does librbd have any internal self-checking options I can enable? If I'm 
going to start injecting printf's around the place, can anyone suggest what 
code paths are most likely to be causing the above?



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