On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, James Harper wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, James Harper wrote:
> > > I'm testing out the tapdisk rbd that Sylvain wrote under Xen, and have
> > > been having all sorts of problems as the tapdisk process is segfaulting. 
> > > To
> > > make matters worse, any attempt to use gdb on the resulting core just 
> > > tells
> > > me it can't find the threads ('generic error'). Google tells me that I 
> > > can get
> > > around this error by linking the main exe (tapdisk) with libpthread, but 
> > > that
> > > doesn't help.
> > >
> > > With strategic printf's I have confirmed that in most cases the crash
> > > happens after a call to rbd_aio_read or rbd_aio_write and before the
> > > callback is called. Given the async nature of tapdisk it's impossible to 
> > > be sure
> > > but I'm confident that the crash is not happening in any of the tapdisk 
> > > code.
> > > It's possible that there is an off-by-one error in a buffer somewhere 
> > > with the
> > > corruption showing up later but there really isn't a lot of code there 
> > > and I've
> > > been over it very closely and it appears quite sound.
> > >
> > > I have also tested for multiple complete's for the same request, and
> > > corrupt pointers being passed into the completion routine, and nothing
> > > shows up there either.
> > >
> > > In most cases there is nothing pre-empting the crash, aside from a
> > > tendency to seemingly crash more often when the cluster is disturbed (eg a
> > > mon node is rebooted). I have one VM which will be unbootable for long
> > > periods of time with the crash happening during boot, typically when
> > > postgres starts. This can be reproduced for hours and is useful for 
> > > debugging,
> > > but then suddenly the problem goes away spontaneously and I can no longer
> > > reproduce it even after hundreds of reboots.
> > >
> > > I'm using Debian and the problem exists with both the latest cuttlefish 
> > > and
> > > dumpling deb's.
> > >
> > > So... does librbd have any internal self-checking options I can enable? 
> > > If I'm
> > > going to start injecting printf's around the place, can anyone suggest 
> > > what
> > > code paths are most likely to be causing the above?
> > 
> > This is usually about the time when we trying running things under
> > valgrind.  Is that an option with tapdisk?
> Never used it before. I guess I can find out pretty easy, I'll try that next.
> > Of course, the old standby is to just crank up the logging detail and try
> > to narrow down where the crash happens.  Have you tried that yet?
> I haven't touched the rbd code. Is increased logging a compile-time 
> option or a config option?

That is probably the first you should try then.  In the [client] section 
of ceph.conf on the node where tapdisk is running add something like

  debug rbd = 20
  debug rados = 20
  debug ms = 1
  log file = /var/log/ceph/client.$name.$pid.log

and make sure the log directory is writeable.

> > There is a probable issue with aio_flush and caching enabled that Mike
> > Dawson is trying to reproduce.  Are you running with caching on or off?
> I have not enabled caching, and I believe it's disabled by default.

There is a fix for an aio hang that just hit the cuttlefish branch today 
that could conceivably be the issue.  It causes a hang on qemu but maybe 
tapdisk is more sensitive?  I'd make sure you're running with that in any 
case to rule it out.

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