Hi Ken,

In the context of https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5206 we need to adapt the 
version constraints for the Breaks / Replaces in debian/control. What we 
currently do is something like x.y.z-vvv where we randomly pick vvv to be 
something we're sure won't be greater than the actual vvv from git-describe 
that will be associated to this specific commit (otherwise the constraints 
won't be satisfied and the install will break). 

When backporting it translates into something like:

Package: ceph
Depends: ceph-common (>= 0.94.2-23)

Package: ceph-common
Replaces: ceph-client-tools,
          ceph (<< 0.94.2-23),
Breaks: ceph (<< 0.94.2-23),

I propose instead we use the version of the previous stable release like so:

Package: ceph
Depends: ceph-common (>> 0.94.2)

Package: ceph-common
Replaces: ceph-client-tools,
          ceph (<= 0.94.2),
Breaks: ceph (<= 0.94.2),

I think it achieves the same thing and is less error prone in the case of 
backports. The risk is that upgrading from v0.94.2-34 to the version with this 
change will fail because the conditions are satisified (it thinks all versions 
after v0.94.2 have the change). But the odds of having a test machine with this 
specific version already installed are close to non-existent. The odds of us 
picking the wrong number and ending up with something that's either too high or 
too small are higher.

What do you think ?

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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