On Thu, 30 Jul 2015, Loic Dachary wrote:
> Hi,
> What I proposed does not actually work because the package versions are not 
> ceph-0.94.2 but ceph-0.94.2-1trusty ( 
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph-build/blob/master/gen_debian_version.sh and 
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph-build/blob/master/build_debs.sh#L35) and will 
> therefore match the constraint and upgrading from ceph-0.94.2-1trusty to 
> ceph=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty or ceph=0.94.3-1trusty will not do the right 
> thing:
> 2015-07-29T22:06:05.579 INFO:teuthology.orchestra.run.ovh228114:Running: 
> u'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y --force-yes -o 
> Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" 
> install librbd1-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-test=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty rbd-fuse=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> librados2-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph-fuse-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> libcephfs-jni=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> libcephfs1-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> radosgw=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty librados2=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> libcephfs1=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-mds=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> radosgw-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty librbd1=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> python-ceph=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph-test-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph-fuse=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty ceph-common=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> libcephfs-java=0.94.2-197-g1e84!
> ceph-common-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty 
> ceph-mds-dbg=0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty'
> 2015-07-29T22:11:11.258 INFO:teuthology.orchestra.run.ovh228114.stderr:dpkg: 
> error processing archive 
> /var/cache/apt/archives/ceph-common_0.94.2-197-g1e841b0-1trusty_amd64.deb 
> (--unpack):
> 2015-07-29T22:11:11.259 INFO:teuthology.orchestra.run.ovh228114.stderr: 
> trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ceph_argparse.py', 
> which is also in package ceph 0.94.2-1trusty
> The release files found in ceph.com have a fixed prefix ( -1trusty, -1jessie, 
> etc. ) if the version in Breaks and Replaces is -2 it will always be 
> immediately greater. This is not what happens in Debian GNU/Linux or Ubuntu 
> because the package is not part of the sources. When packaging for ceph.com 
> repositories we are creating packages that are native (in the sense that 
> modifying the package requires a new release of the sources because the 
> packaging is part of the sources) but contrary to what is usually done with 
> native packages, we append a -XXXX debian version which is supposed to be the 
> version of the debian directory when it lives outside of the sources.
> I filed http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/12529 as "Fix" : it's not a bug but 
> would definitely make things easier to understand.
> Please let me know if I got it right this time ;-)

Should we just drop the suffix?  I tried to match up with the backport 
suffixes (e.g., ~bpo70 for wheezy) so that when you did a dist-upgrade it 
would be able to pull in the next version.  It sounds like it's not 
worth it, though...


> Cheers
> On 19/07/2015 13:28, Loic Dachary wrote:
> > Hi Ken,
> > 
> > In the context of https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/5206 we need to adapt 
> > the version constraints for the Breaks / Replaces in debian/control. What 
> > we currently do is something like x.y.z-vvv where we randomly pick vvv to 
> > be something we're sure won't be greater than the actual vvv from 
> > git-describe that will be associated to this specific commit (otherwise the 
> > constraints won't be satisfied and the install will break). 
> > 
> > When backporting it translates into something like:
> > 
> > Package: ceph
> > Depends: ceph-common (>= 0.94.2-23)
> > 
> > Package: ceph-common
> > Replaces: ceph-client-tools,
> >       ceph (<< 0.94.2-23),
> > Breaks: ceph (<< 0.94.2-23),
> > 
> > I propose instead we use the version of the previous stable release like so:
> > 
> > Package: ceph
> > Depends: ceph-common (>> 0.94.2)
> > 
> > Package: ceph-common
> > Replaces: ceph-client-tools,
> >       ceph (<= 0.94.2),
> > Breaks: ceph (<= 0.94.2),
> > 
> > I think it achieves the same thing and is less error prone in the case of 
> > backports. The risk is that upgrading from v0.94.2-34 to the version with 
> > this change will fail because the conditions are satisified (it thinks all 
> > versions after v0.94.2 have the change). But the odds of having a test 
> > machine with this specific version already installed are close to 
> > non-existent. The odds of us picking the wrong number and ending up with 
> > something that's either too high or too small are higher.
> > 
> > What do you think ?
> > 
> -- 
> Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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