Maybe some info is missing but 7k write IOPs at 4k block size seem fairly
decent (as you also state) - the bandwidth automatically follows from that
so not sure what you're expecting?
I am a bit puzzled though - by my math 7k IOPS at 4k should only be
27MiB/sec - not sure how the 120MiB/sec was achieved
The read benchmark seems in line with 13k IOPS at 4k making around
52MiB/sec bandwidth which again is expected.

On Wed, 6 Oct 2021 at 04:08, Zakhar Kirpichenko <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I built a CEPH 16.2.x cluster with relatively fast and modern hardware, and
> its performance is kind of disappointing. I would very much appreciate an
> advice and/or pointers :-)
> The hardware is 3 x Supermicro SSG-6029P nodes, each equipped with:
> 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5220R CPUs
> 384 GB RAM
> 2 x boot drives
> 2 x 1.6 TB Micron 7300 MTFDHBE1T6TDG drives (DB/WAL)
> 2 x 6.4 TB Micron 7300 MTFDHBE6T4TDG drives (storage tier)
> 9 x Toshiba MG06SCA10TE 9TB HDDs, write cache off (storage tier)
> 2 x Intel XL710 NICs connected to a pair of 40/100GE switches
> All 3 nodes are running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the latest 5.4 kernel,
> apparmor is disabled, energy-saving features are disabled. The network
> between the CEPH nodes is 40G, CEPH access network is 40G, the average
> latencies are < 0.15 ms. I've personally tested the network for throughput,
> latency and loss, and can tell that it's operating as expected and doesn't
> exhibit any issues at idle or under load.
> The CEPH cluster is set up with 2 storage classes, NVME and HDD, with 2
> smaller NVME drives in each node used as DB/WAL and each HDD allocated .
> ceph osd tree output:
>  -1         288.37488  root default
> -13         288.37488      datacenter ste
> -14         288.37488          rack rack01
>  -7          96.12495              host ceph01
>   0    hdd    9.38680                  osd.0        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   1    hdd    9.38680                  osd.1        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   2    hdd    9.38680                  osd.2        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   3    hdd    9.38680                  osd.3        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   4    hdd    9.38680                  osd.4        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   5    hdd    9.38680                  osd.5        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   6    hdd    9.38680                  osd.6        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   7    hdd    9.38680                  osd.7        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   8    hdd    9.38680                  osd.8        up   1.00000  1.00000
>   9   nvme    5.82190                  osd.9        up   1.00000  1.00000
>  10   nvme    5.82190                  osd.10       up   1.00000  1.00000
> -10          96.12495              host ceph02
>  11    hdd    9.38680                  osd.11       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  12    hdd    9.38680                  osd.12       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  13    hdd    9.38680                  osd.13       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  14    hdd    9.38680                  osd.14       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  15    hdd    9.38680                  osd.15       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  16    hdd    9.38680                  osd.16       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  17    hdd    9.38680                  osd.17       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  18    hdd    9.38680                  osd.18       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  19    hdd    9.38680                  osd.19       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  20   nvme    5.82190                  osd.20       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  21   nvme    5.82190                  osd.21       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  -3          96.12495              host ceph03
>  22    hdd    9.38680                  osd.22       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  23    hdd    9.38680                  osd.23       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  24    hdd    9.38680                  osd.24       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  25    hdd    9.38680                  osd.25       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  26    hdd    9.38680                  osd.26       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  27    hdd    9.38680                  osd.27       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  28    hdd    9.38680                  osd.28       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  29    hdd    9.38680                  osd.29       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  30    hdd    9.38680                  osd.30       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  31   nvme    5.82190                  osd.31       up   1.00000  1.00000
>  32   nvme    5.82190                  osd.32       up   1.00000  1.00000
> ceph df:
> --- RAW STORAGE ---
> hdd    253 TiB  241 TiB  13 TiB    13 TiB       5.00
> nvme    35 TiB   35 TiB  82 GiB    82 GiB       0.23
> TOTAL  288 TiB  276 TiB  13 TiB    13 TiB       4.42
> --- POOLS ---
> POOL                   ID  PGS   STORED  OBJECTS     USED  %USED  MAX AVAIL
> images                 12  256   24 GiB    3.15k   73 GiB   0.03     76 TiB
> volumes                13  256  839 GiB  232.16k  2.5 TiB   1.07     76 TiB
> backups                14  256   31 GiB    8.56k   94 GiB   0.04     76 TiB
> vms                    15  256  752 GiB  198.80k  2.2 TiB   0.96     76 TiB
> device_health_metrics  16   32   35 MiB       39  106 MiB      0     76 TiB
> volumes-nvme           17  256   28 GiB    7.21k   81 GiB   0.24     11 TiB
> ec-volumes-meta        18  256   27 KiB        4   92 KiB      0     76 TiB
> ec-volumes-data        19  256    8 KiB        1   12 KiB      0    152 TiB
> Please disregard the ec-pools, as they're not currently in use. All other
> pools are configured with min_size=2, size=3. All pools are bound to HDD
> storage except for 'volumes-nvme', which is bound to NVME. The number of
> PGs was increased recently, as with autoscaler I was getting a very uneven
> PG distribution on devices and we're expecting to add 3 more nodes of
> exactly the same configuration in the coming weeks. I have to emphasize
> that I tested different PG numbers and they didn't have a noticeable impact
> on the cluster performance.
> The main issue is that this beautiful cluster isn't very fast. When I test
> against the 'volumes' pool, residing on HDD storage class (HDDs with DB/WAL
> on NVME), I get unexpectedly low throughput numbers:
> > rados -p volumes bench 30 write --no-cleanup
> ...
> Total time run:         30.3078
> Total writes made:      3731
> Write size:             4194304
> Object size:            4194304
> Bandwidth (MB/sec):     492.415
> Stddev Bandwidth:       161.777
> Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 820
> Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 204
> Average IOPS:           123
> Stddev IOPS:            40.4442
> Max IOPS:               205
> Min IOPS:               51
> Average Latency(s):     0.129115
> Stddev Latency(s):      0.143881
> Max latency(s):         1.35669
> Min latency(s):         0.0228179
> > rados -p volumes bench 30 seq --no-cleanup
> ...
> Total time run:       14.7272
> Total reads made:     3731
> Read size:            4194304
> Object size:          4194304
> Bandwidth (MB/sec):   1013.36
> Average IOPS:         253
> Stddev IOPS:          63.8709
> Max IOPS:             323
> Min IOPS:             91
> Average Latency(s):   0.0625202
> Max latency(s):       0.551629
> Min latency(s):       0.010683
> On average, I get around 550 MB/s writes and 800 MB/s reads with 16 threads
> and 4MB blocks. The numbers don't look fantastic for this hardware, I can
> actually push over 8 GB/s of throughput with fio, 16 threads and 4MB blocks
> from an RBD client (KVM Linux VM) connected over a low-latency 40G network,
> probably hitting some OSD caches there:
>    READ: bw=8525MiB/s (8939MB/s), 58.8MiB/s-1009MiB/s (61.7MB/s-1058MB/s),
> io=501GiB (538GB), run=60001-60153msec
> Disk stats (read/write):
>   vdc: ios=48163/0, merge=6027/0, ticks=1400509/0, in_queue=1305092,
> util=99.48%
> The issue manifests when the same client does something closer to real-life
> usage, like a single-thread write or read with 4KB blocks, as if using for
> example ext4 file system:
> > fio --name=ttt --ioengine=posixaio --rw=write --bs=4k --numjobs=1
> --size=4g --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --time_based --end_fsync=1
> ...
> Run status group 0 (all jobs):
>   WRITE: bw=120MiB/s (126MB/s), 120MiB/s-120MiB/s (126MB/s-126MB/s),
> io=7694MiB (8067MB), run=64079-64079msec
> Disk stats (read/write):
>   vdc: ios=0/6985, merge=0/406, ticks=0/3062535, in_queue=3048216,
> util=77.31%
> > fio --name=ttt --ioengine=posixaio --rw=read --bs=4k --numjobs=1
> --size=4g --iodepth=1 --runtime=60 --time_based --end_fsync=1
> ...
> Run status group 0 (all jobs):
>    READ: bw=54.0MiB/s (56.7MB/s), 54.0MiB/s-54.0MiB/s (56.7MB/s-56.7MB/s),
> io=3242MiB (3399MB), run=60001-60001msec
> Disk stats (read/write):
>   vdc: ios=12952/3, merge=0/1, ticks=81706/1, in_queue=56336, util=99.13%
> And this is a total disaster: the IOPS look decent, but the bandwidth is
> unexpectedly very very low. I just don't understand why a single RBD client
> writes at 120 MB/s (sometimes slower), and 50 MB/s reads look like a bad
> joke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> When I run these benchmarks, nothing seems to be overloaded, things like
> CPU and network are barely utilized, OSD latencies don't show anything
> unusual. Thus I am puzzled with these results, as in my opinion SAS HDDs
> with DB/WAL on NVME drives should produce better I/O bandwidth, both for
> writes and reads. I mean, I can easily get much better performance from a
> single HDD shared over network via NFS or iSCSI.
> I am open to suggestions and would very much appreciate comments and/or an
> advice on how to improve the cluster performance.
> Best regards,
> Zakhar
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