Seems something is odd out there, if I do a radosgw-admin metadata list

I’ve got the following list:



When I try a radosgw-admin metadata get bucket or bucket.instance it
complain with the following error:

ERROR: can’t get key: (22) Invalid argument

Ok, fine for the api, I’ll deal with the s3 api.

Even if a radosgw-admin bucket flush version —keep-current or something
similar would be much appreciated xD

Le mar. 14 mars 2023 à 19:07, Robin H. Johnson <> a
écrit :

> On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 06:59:51PM +0100, Gaël THEROND wrote:
> > Versioning wasn’t enabled, at least not explicitly and for the
> > documentation it isn’t enabled by default.
> >
> > Using nautilus.
> >
> > I’ll get all the required missing information on tomorrow morning, thanks
> > for the help!
> >
> > Is there a way to tell CEPH to delete versions that aren’t current used
> one
> > with radosgw-admin?
> >
> > If not I’ll use the rest api no worries.
> Nope, s3 API only.
> You should also check for incomplete multiparts. For that, I recommend
> using AWSCLI or boto directly. Specifically not s3cmd, because s3cmd
> doesn't respect the <IsTruncated> flag properly.
> --
> Robin Hugh Johnson
> Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Treasurer
> E-Mail   :
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