On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:12:45AM +0100, Neil Levine wrote:
> Leen,
> Do you mean you get LIO working with RBD directly? Or are you just
> re-exporting a kernel mounted volume?

Yes, re-exporting a kernel mounted volume on seperate gateway machines.

> Neil
> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:58 PM, Leen Besselink <l...@consolejunkie.net> 
> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 11:51:32PM +0100, Neil Levine wrote:
> >> Jared,
> >>
> >> As Weiguo says you will need to use a gateway to present a Ceph block
> >> device (RBD) in a format VMware understands. We've contributed the
> >> relevant code to the TGT iSCSI target (see blog:
> >> http://ceph.com/dev-notes/adding-support-for-rbd-to-stgt/) and though
> >> we haven't done a massive amount of testing on it, I'd love to get
> >> some feedback on it. We will be putting more effort into it this cycle
> >> (including producing a package).
> >>
> >
> > We also have a legacy virtualization setup we are thinking of using with 
> > Ceph
> > and iSCSI. We however also ended up at LIO, because LIO supports the iSCSI
> > extensions which are needed for clustering.
> >
> > stgt doesn't yet support all the needed extensions as far as I can see.
> >
> > There seems to be exactly one person sporadically working on improving stgt
> > in this area.
> >
> >> If you have a VMware account rep, be sure to ask him to file support
> >> for Ceph as a customer request with the product teams while we
> >> continue knock on VMware's door :-)
> >>
> >> Neil
> >>
> >> On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 11:30 PM, w sun <ws...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> > RBD is not supported by VMware/vSphere. You will need to build a
> >> > NFS/iSCSI/FC GW to support VMware. Here is a post someone has been trying
> >> > and you may have to contact them directly for status,
> >> >
> >> > http://ceph.com/community/ceph-over-fibre-for-vmware/
> >> >
> >> > --weiguo
> >> >
> >> > ________________________________
> >> > To: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> >> > From: jaredda...@shelterinsurance.com
> >> > Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 17:25:02 -0500
> >> > Subject: [ceph-users] Using Ceph as Storage for VMware
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > I am investigating using Ceph as a storage target for virtual servers in
> >> > VMware.  We have 3 servers packed with hard drives ready for the proof of
> >> > concept.  I am looking for some direction.  Is this a valid use for Ceph?
> >> > If so, has anybody accomplished this?  Are there any documents on how to 
> >> > set
> >> > this up?  Should I use RDB, NFS, etc?  Any help, would be greatly
> >> > appreciated.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Thank You,
> >> >
> >> > JD
> >> >
> >> >
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