On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Jim Summers <jbsumm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I ran:
> ceph-deploy mon create chost0 chost1
> It seemed to be working and then hung at:
> [chost0][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-chost0/done
> [chost0][INFO  ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
> [chost0][INFO  ] create the init path if it does not exist
> [chost0][INFO  ] locating `service` executable...
> [chost0][INFO  ] found `service` executable: /sbin/service
> [chost0][INFO  ] Running command: /sbin/service ceph start mon.chost0
> [chost0][INFO  ] === mon.chost0 ===
> [chost0][INFO  ] Starting Ceph mon.chost0 on chost0...
> [chost0][INFO  ] Starting ceph-create-keys on chost0...
> Then it just hung there and never moved on to chost1.
There is a high priority bug with this problem that just got merged into
ceph-deploy today. We should follow with a release

If you Ctrl-C this it should still work as expected.

> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Alfredo Deza 
> <alfredo.d...@inktank.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Jim Summers <jbsumm...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello All,
>>> Since the release of dumpling, a couple of things are now not working.
>>> I can not yum install ceph-deploy and earlier I tried to manually modify
>>> the ceph.repo file.  That did get ceph-deploy installed but it did not
>>> work.   So then I switched to the ceph-release that would bring me back to
>>> cuttlefish.  Can not install ceph-deploy again.
>>> Now I saw an email that ceph-deploy can be installed with pip or
>>> east_install.
>> Let me clarify a bit here :)
>> Yes, you can install ceph-deploy via pip or easy_install if you choose
>> to, and that should just work.
>> It seems to me that you might be having network issues with pip, or maybe
>> just a PyPI hiccup. Try using pip with the
>> verbose flag so you can see better what is going on.
>> fwiw I just did `pip install ceph-deploy` and it worked correctly. Output
>> should be similar to this:
>>   Downloading/unpacking ceph-deploy
>>     Downloading ceph-deploy-1.2.tar.gz
>>     Running setup.py egg_info for package ceph-deploy
>>       no previously-included directories found matching 'ceph_deploy/test'
>>   Installing collected packages: ceph-deploy
>>     Running setup.py install for ceph-deploy\
>>       Installing ceph-deploy script to /Users/alfredo/.virtualenvs/tmp/bin
>>   Successfully installed ceph-deploy
>>   Cleaning up...
>> When you say you tried to modify the ceph.repo file and got ceph-deploy
>> installed but it did not work, what do you mean? How did it not work?
>> Any output/explanation for that would help understand this a bit better.
>> Also, keep in mind that the location for ceph-deploy's repo has changed,
>> you should look here http://ceph.com/packages/ceph-extras/rpm/ and add
>> the
>> correct repo for your OS.
>>> So I redid the ceph-release to dumpling. Then tried to pip ceph-deploy
>>> and got:
>>> Retrieving
>>> http://ceph.com/rpm-dumpling/el6/noarch/ceph-release-1-0.el6.noarch.rpm
>>> Preparing...                ###########################################
>>> [100%]
>>>    1:ceph-release           ###########################################
>>> [100%]
>>> # pip install ceph-deploy
>>> Downloading/unpacking ceph-deploy
>>>   Real name of requirement ceph-deploy is ceph-deploy
>>>   Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement ceph-deploy
>>> No distributions at all found for ceph-deploy
>>> Not sure what is happening.
>>> Ideas?
>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 9:18 AM, bernhard glomm <
>>> bernhard.gl...@ecologic.eu> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I would like to use ceph in our company and had some test setups
>>>> running.
>>>> Now all of a sudden ceph-deploy is not in the repos anymore
>>>> this is my sources list,
>>>> ...
>>>> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main restricted universe
>>>> multiverse
>>>> deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring-security main restricted
>>>> universe multiverse
>>>> deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring-updates main restricted
>>>> universe multiverse
>>>> deb http:///ceph.com/debian/ raring main
>>>> …
>>>> up to last week I had no problem installing ceph-deploy
>>>>  Any ideas? Why is it not at least in the ceph repo?
>>>> Will it come back?
>>>> TIA
>>>> Bernhard
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