On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 10:41:53AM -0500, Mark Nelson wrote:

Hi Mark,

> On 08/13/2013 02:56 AM, Dmitry Postrigan wrote:
> >>>I am currently installing some backup servers with 6x3TB drives in them. I 
> >>>played with RAID-10 but I was not
> >>>impressed at all with how it performs during a recovery.
> >>>
> >>>Anyway, I thought what if instead of RAID-10 I use ceph? All 6 disks will 
> >>>be local, so I could simply create
> >>>6 local OSDs + a monitor, right? Is there anything I need to watch out for 
> >>>in such configuration?
> >
> >>You can do that. Although it's nice to play with and everything, I
> >>wouldn't recommend doing it. It will give you more pain than pleasure.
> >
> >Any specific reason? I just got it up and running, an after simulating some 
> >failures, I like it much better than
> >mdraid. Again, this only applies to large arrays (6x3TB in my case). I would 
> >not use ceph to replace a RAID-1
> >array of course, but it looks like a good idea to replace a large RAID10 
> >array with a local ceph installation.
> >
> >The only thing I do not enjoy about ceph is performance. Probably need to do 
> >more tweaking, but so far numbers
> >are not very impressive. I have two exactly same servers running same OS, 
> >kernel, etc. Each server has 6x 3TB
> >drives (same model and firmware #).
> >
> >Server 1 runs ceph (2 replicas)
> >Server 2 runs mdraid (raid-10)
> >
> >I ran some very basic benchmarks on both servers:
> >
> >dd if=/dev/zero of=/storage/test.bin bs=1M count=100000
> >Ceph: 113 MB/s
> >mdraid: 467 MB/s
> >
> >
> >dd if=/storage/test.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M
> >Ceph: 114 MB/s
> >mdraid: 550 MB/s
> >
> >
> >As you can see, mdraid is by far faster than ceph. It could be "by design", 
> >or perhaps I am not doing it
> >right. Even despite such difference in speed, I would still go with ceph 
> >because *I think* it is more reliable.
> couple of things:
> 1) Ceph is doing full data journal writes so is going to eat (at
> least) half of your write performance right there.
> 2) Ceph tends to like lots of concurrency.  You'll probably see
> higher numbers with multiple dd reads/writes going at once.
> 3) Ceph is a lot more complex than something like mdraid.  It gives
> you a lot more power and flexibility but the cost is greater
> complexity. There are probably things you can tune to get your
> numbers up, but it could take some work.
> Having said all of this, my primary test box is a single server and
> I can get 90MB/s+ per drive out of Ceph (with 24 drives!), but if I

Could you share the configurations and parameters you have modified, or
where I could find the associate documents? 

> was building a production box and never planned to expand to
> multiple servers, I'd certainly be looking into zfs or btrfs RAID.
> Mark
> >
> >Dmitry
> >
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