I'm following different threads here, mainly the poor radosgw performance one.
And what I see there are often recommendation to put a certain config to 
ceph.conf, but often it's unclear to me where exactly to put them

- does it matter if I put a config for all OSD's in [global] or [osd] ?
                        osd max attr size = 655360

        or should it be
                        osd max attr size = 655360

- different syntax
  We saw recommendations to add
        rgw enable ops log = false
  but also
        rgw_enable_ops_log disabled

 which one is correct?
 can it be added to [client.radosgw] and it is valid for both of our radosgw's? 
or does it need to be added to global or somewhere else?

- is there a way to verify which confg rules are applied?


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