On 09/23/2013 10:10 AM, Fuchs, Andreas (SwissTXT) wrote:
I'm following different threads here, mainly the poor radosgw performance one.
And what I see there are often recommendation to put a certain config to 
ceph.conf, but often it's unclear to me where exactly to put them

- does it matter if I put a config for all OSD's in [global] or [osd] ?
                        osd max attr size = 655360

        or should it be
                        osd max attr size = 655360

[global] is quite self-explanatory: options will be applied to any daemon or subsystem, library or whatever that might use ceph.conf. Not all options are used by all components though. For instance, if you were to specify 'debug osd = 10' on [global], for all intents and purposes, only OSDs would make use of it; otoh, if you were to specify 'keyring = /tmp/foo' under [global], then any components using the keyring would use that option.

All options under [osd] however would be applied only to OSDs. For instance, consider you wanted the global keyring to be on '/tmp/foo', and the OSDs keyring to be on '/tmp/foo.osd' (merely illustrative, don't take this seriously). Then you'd have:

  keyring = /tmp/foo
  keyring = /tmp/foo.osd

The same thing that happens for [osd] would be valid for other components: mon, mds, etc.

You could even have a global keyring, an osd-specific keyring, and then specific keyrings for just a couple of specific osds. Once again, I don't even know if this is feasible, this is just an example.

  keyring = /tmp/foo
  keyring = /tmp/foo.osd
  keyring = /tmp/foo.osd.0
  keyring = /tmp/foo.osd.10

Back to your question, in that particular case, adding it under [osd] or under [global] should bear the same effect, as that option is only used on the osd. Having it under [osd] should be slightly more straightforward on who is being affected by it though.

- different syntax
   We saw recommendations to add
        rgw enable ops log = false
   but also
        rgw_enable_ops_log disabled

  which one is correct?

From ceph's point-of-view, having 'rgw enable ops log' or 'rgw_enable_ops_log' or even (I think!) 'rgw-enable-ops-log' is pretty much the same thing. What really matters here is that the option expects to be a 'key = value', so the latter would be incorrect. However, I would imagine that someone meant 'having rgw_enable_ops_log disabled' as having 'rgw_enable_ops_log = false', which in turn is equivalent to the first one. From ceph.conf's PoV, the correct syntax would be

  rgw enable ops log = false
  rgw_enable_ops_log = false

  can it be added to [client.radosgw] and it is valid for both of our 
radosgw's? or does it need to be added to global or somewhere else?

According to what I stated before, it is my belief that having it under [client.radosgw] would affect as many instances as you may have. Having it under [global] would only mean that, if any other component would happen to use the same option, that said option would be available to any component using it.

- is there a way to verify which confg rules are applied?

I believe you can obtain it through the service's admin socket, using

  ceph --admin-socket /var/run/ceph/foo.asok config show

Hope this helps.


Joao Eduardo Luis
Software Engineer | http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
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