> If following the "raid mirror" approach, would you then skip redundency
> at the ceph layer to keep your total overhead the same?  It seems that
> would be risky in the even you loose your storage server with the
> raid-1'd drives.  No Ceph level redunancy would then be fatal.  But if
> you do raid-1 plus ceph redundancy, doesn't that mean it takes 4TB for
> each 1 real TB?

Depends on your replication settings. Maybe if you originally wanted 3 
replica's, you might decide that because you are now using RAID1, 2 replicas is 
sufficient, so you have gone from 3x to 4x in terms of raw storage vs useable 
storage. Disks fail more than entire nodes, so depending on your requirements, 
a 33% increase in storage may be a reasonable tradeoff.

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