Yeah; purge does remove packages and *package config files*; however, Ceph data is in a different class, hence the existence of purgedata.

A user might be furious if he did what he thought was "remove the packages" and the process also creamed his terabytes of stored data he was in the process of moving to a different OSD server, manually recovering, or whatever.

On 11/05/2013 03:03 PM, Neil Levine wrote:
In the Debian world, purge does both a removal of the package and a
clean up the files so might be good to keep semantic consistency here?

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:11 AM, Sage Weil <
<>> wrote:

    Purgedata is only meant to be run *after* the package is
    uninstalled.  We should make it do a check to enforce that.
    Otherwise we run into these problems...

    Mark Kirkwood <
    <>> wrote:

        On 05/11/13 06:37, Alfredo Deza wrote:

            On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Gruher, Joseph R
            <>> wrote:

                Could these problems be caused by running a purgedata
                but not a purge?

            It could be, I am not clear on what the expectation was for
            just doing
            purgedata without a purge.

                Purgedata removes /etc/ceph but without the purge ceph
                is still installed,
                then ceph-deploy install detects ceph as already
                installed and does not
                (re)create /etc/ceph?

            ceph-deploy will not create directories for you, that is
            left to the
            ceph install process, and just to be clear, the
            latest ceph-deploy version (1.3) does not remote /etc/ceph,
            just the contents.

        Yeah, however purgedata is removing /var/lib/ceph, which means
        running purgedata you need to either run purge then install or
        recreate the various working directories under /var/lib/ceph before
        attempting any mon. mds or osd creation.

        Maybe purgedata should actually leave those top level dirs under



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