I was under the same impression - using a small portion of the SSD via 
partitioning (in my case - 30 gigs out of 240) would have the same effect as 
activating the HPA explicitly. 

Am I wrong? 

On Nov 7, 2013, at 8:16 PM, ja...@peacon.co.uk wrote:

> On 2013-11-07 17:47, Gruher, Joseph R wrote:
>> I wonder how effective trim would be on a Ceph journal area.
>> If the journal empties and is then trimmed the next write cycle should
>> be faster, but if the journal is active all the time the benefits
>> would be lost almost immediately, as those cells are going to receive
>> data again almost immediately and go back to an "untrimmed" state
>> until the next trim occurs.
> If it's under-provisioned (so the device knows there are unused cells), the 
> device would simply write to an empty cell and flag the old cell for erasing, 
> so there should be no change.  Latency would rise when sustained write rate 
> exceeded the devices' ability to clear cells, so eventually the stock of 
> ready cells would be depleted.
> FWIW, I think there is considerable mileage in the larger-consumer grade 
> argument.  Assuming drives will be half the price in a years time, so 
> selecting devices that can last only a year is preferable to spending 3x the 
> price on one that can survive three.  That though opens the tin of worms that 
> is SMART reporting and moving journals at some future point mind.

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